Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bring Rocky Home - 2012-02-11 - 02:22pm

This is so frustrating.....

I called the detective - voicemail.....
I called the embassy - voicemail.....
I called the consulate - voicemail..... even the emergency numbers....

Well never give up. I saw something on your phone last night that gave me a little hope that you will come home.... You had the BIBLE app downloaded on your phone. There are so many people praying for you that I know you must know....

I know they say that hindsight is 20/20.... now that I look back I know that I should have backed you up more - I should have done what was right and not what was easy. You leaving have opened my eyes to a lot of things that I oterwise never would have seen or known.

I have never seen your dad so sad. He knows that he too messed up a good thing - no a great thing. You are someone to be proud of - you are just such a good person and we know that...... everyone that knows you loves you.

When (and yes I say when) you come home - we are going to be the best parents you ever had - you dad the number one dad - and me, the number two mom.... I know how much you love your mom and she has to get credit for raising you and making you what you are today..... I will be a happy second and hopefully I can be half as good to you as your own mother.

I love you and I really hope that you know we are very very worried about you.

1 comment:

  1. Vandag 12.02.2012 een jaar terug het ek my eie kind begrawe. Ek het in die laaste jaar al soveel keer gese dat daar net een ding erger is as om jou eie kind aan die dood af te staan en dit is as jou kind weg is. Ek het nooit gedink dat dit met my eie swaer en suster sou gebeur nie. Ek kan net dink hoe erg dit moet wees om nie te weet nie. Ek bid vandag dat God julle lee harte met sy liefde sal vul totdat Rocky veilig terug is by die huis. Intussen bid ek dat God julle vriende en familie soos pilare om julle sal oprig om julle deur die tyd te dra. Amen
